Administrative Burden Baseline
The Administrative Burden Baseline provides Canadians with a clear metric on the total number of requirements in federal regulations and associated forms that impose administrative burden on business. This baseline contributes to the openness and transparency of the federal regulatory system.
All federal regulations that are administered by the Copyright Board of Canada that have requirements that impose administrative burden on business are identified below. The total count of requirements is 17. This count is reviewed every year to ensure that any changes are reflected.
Title of the regulation: Educational Program, Work and Other Subject-matter Record-keeping Regulations
SOR Number: SOR/2001-296
Count: 17
Total count: 17
For more information, consult the following websites:
- Government-wide Administrative Burden Baseline Counts
- Government-Wide Forward Regulatory Plans
- The Cabinet Directive on Regulation
- The Red Tape Reduction Action Plan
- The Canada-United States Regulatory Cooperation Council
To learn about upcoming or ongoing consultations on proposed federal regulations, visit the Canada Gazette and Consulting with Canadians websites.